如何拥有一个 威尼斯人官网平台app为期三天的户外探险 | San Francisco Travel-威尼斯人官网平台
A couple walks toward the camera with Dolores Park and the San Francisco Skyline behind them.


在当地冒险家宝莲娜·道和希尔顿的帮助下, 我们为户外爱好者设计了完美的威尼斯人官网平台app行程.

San Francisco is surrounded by some of the most unspoiled natural beauty in the nation. 从海湾边的城市到邻近的城市 奥克兰 到戏剧性的悬崖 马林, you’ll find a 希尔顿 conveniently located to help you discover all of these destinations.

You should make time to explore all that the Bay Area has to offer; but did you know that you can get your nature fix without ever leaving San Francisco city limits? 这是正确的. 拥有丰富的独特 城市公园,户外休闲场所,并可达 上涨在美国,威尼斯人官网平台app在很多方面都以绿色而闻名.

现在是欣赏户外活动的最佳时机, and there's no major city better suited for an outdoor adventure than San Francisco. But don't take our word for it; take it from photographer, 冒险家和湾区户外女性的创始人, Paulina刀. 他是威尼斯人官网平台app人,现居住在萨克拉门托地区, 宝琳娜来这里呆了几天,重新发现她家乡的魔力. She shared with us her itinerary for an unforgettable experience exploring the natural beauty of San Francisco while making time to revisit some of her favorite local businesses.

我喜欢在车后座上醒来, unshowered, 但我也喜欢睡在大床上, 干净的床单.


    如果你来威尼斯人官网平台app是为了舒展筋骨,这里有很多 停留的地方 that are a short walk from iconic attractions; but if you want to get up close and personal, 有一个社区可以让你待在那里,它会上升到顶层: 联合广场. 从市中心的标志性建筑,比如 渡轮大厦 还有缆车, not to mention the luxury retail and fine dining all throughout the 社区, 联合广场是活动的中心. 


    在城市徒步旅行的前一晚放纵一下不会有什么坏处. 在 威尼斯人官网平台app联合广场希尔顿酒店, 宝琳娜旅行的大本营, you can rest up in their nicely appointed guest rooms or beside their outdoor pool—a true rarity among San Francisco hotels. 就像它位于市中心一样, 希尔顿 联合广场 is a great place to get your bearings as you prep for a weekend of outdoor adventure in San Francisco.  Many rooms feature balconies, allowing you to get fresh air without ever leaving your room. 

    If you really want to get a lay of the land, be sure to head to the 46th floor for a drink at 城市景观,酒店的时尚酒吧,提供壮观的城市景观 金门大桥,市政厅, 海湾大桥等等. 从这里你几乎可以画出第二天的整个徒步路线! 以威尼斯人官网平台app社区命名的创意鸡尾酒, 来自附近纳帕和索诺玛的葡萄酒, 还有当地最受欢迎的精酿啤酒. 城市的氛围 随着太阳落山,城市开始亮起来,每小时都在变化.


    有了一个完整的时间表,在忙碌中吃早餐 酒店 然后准备好开始探索. 宝琳娜希望她的第一站是威尼斯人官网平台app真正特别的地方, 于是她走到附近 结合 来品尝Benkyodo的美味佳肴. Benkyodo是东京最古老、最受欢迎的企业之一. You can expect a line whenever you arrive, but blueberry and strawberry mochi are worth the wait. 这家商店只收现金,所以最好事先去取一下自动取款机.

    超过一个世纪, 这家店做的麻糬是本市最好的, 街区周围的长队就是证据. 等待是值得的.

    从那里, it's a short walk through charming 社区 to one of San Francisco's largest outdoor spaces, 金门公园它是多个博物馆和博物馆的所在地 威尼斯人官网平台app植物园. 占地55英亩, 植物园有超过8个,来自世界各地的000种不同的植物. If you're coming in September or October (our warmest months of the year), you can expect to see haemanthus coccineus 或者是 樱红色 denticulata. 威尼斯人官网平台app独特的气候使它们都能茁壮成长, giving visitors the opportunity to seemingly travel the world without ever leaving the park. 

    金门公园是野餐的好地方. 宝琳娜在熟食店给她和朋友买了些三明治. 这些又大又好吃的食物物有所值. 有了一个轮换菜单,你可能会有所有新的选择,在你的回访!

    如果你想找一条不那么艰难的路, 你可以继续向西穿过金门公园一直到海洋海滩. Walk along the Pacific Ocean on the wide beach 或者是 Great Highway (pedestrians only on the weekend), 一直到那个废墟 海水浴场 它们令人惊叹的瞭望台指向太平洋. It's a playground f或者是 explorer that showcases both the power of the ocean and the unusual history of San Francisco. 

    如果你想要更垂直的爬坡, 离开公园,向东穿过坦克山,或者 双峰. You'll get tremendous 360-degree views of the city from either point before descending into the 卡斯特罗和诺埃谷 社区. 

    苏特罗浴场是一座19世纪晚期公共澡堂的废墟. 信贷:@mehtabchithiwala

    Keep walking east and work up that appetite, because before you know it, you'll be in the 任务的区. 严格来说,这个社区是威尼斯人官网平台app最古老的, 但你永远不会从充满活力的人那里知道, 多样化的 餐厅和酒吧场景 你在任何一个晚上都会遇到. 使人瞠目的 壁画 and public art abound as you work your way toward any of the 社区's exceptional restaurants. 格雷西亚斯·马德雷餐厅的素食食物甚至能改变最坚定的食肉动物的信仰. 阿根廷牛排餐厅 Lolinda 只有屋顶的El Techo. 经典的教会风格 墨西哥卷饼 能在附近最受欢迎的墨西哥卷饼店找到吗. 农家乐泰国是一个比较偏僻的地方, 但绝对值得为他们的泰式炒粉多花几步.

    It's the best Thai food in San Francisco and some of the best Thai food I’ve ever had.

    在回联合广场的路上, 在附近众多兼收不蓄的酒吧里喝一杯犒劳自己. 任务的感染力不会在太阳落山后消散, 所以你要参观的不止一个. The cocktails at Trick Dog, which you can choose from its custom illustrated menu, are award-winning.

    A couple walks toward the camera with Dolores Park and the San Francisco Skyline behind them.


    Even a Bay Area local like Paulina can't resist the chance to visit some of San Francisco's 传奇的景象你也不应该这样. That's why on Day 3, she stepped out of her hotel and hopped aboard a historic 缆车 在联合广场,骑到山顶 头山. 从那里, 走一小段路就到邻近的俄罗斯山, 在那里你可以在Soapbox Cafe喝到正宗的越南咖啡, 哪个是移民和家族拥有的, before exploring the small but not to be underestimated Ina Coolbrith Park for incredible views of the 金融区.

    从那里,享受下坡步行到 渔人码头, 那里有新鲜的海鲜,可爱的当地人(海狮),以及受欢迎的景点,如 码头39海湾水族馆,并乘船前往 阿尔卡特拉斯岛举世闻名的监狱和国家公园等着你. 你也可以沿着海滨向西走,到达 吉尔德利广场在美国,这种著名的巧克力仍在供应.

    想要欣赏附近的美景,请登上 天星观景轮. 从舒适的气候控制的贡多拉, 你会看到这座城市令人叹为观止的景色, 海湾, 还有更远的目的地!

    Walking further west will take you past Fort Mason and into San Francisco's scenic 玛丽娜 社区. From locations like 玛丽娜 Green and Crissy Field, you can see clear across 海湾 to 索萨利托 并获得令人叹为观止的景色 金门大桥-或者和“雾”卡尔自拍.

    你知道吗?? 39号码头的大多数海狮都是雄性.

    想近距离看看金门大桥? 没有问题. 沿着小路离开克里西球场,进入 要塞. Soon, you'll find yourself ready to cross one of the most iconic structures in the world. 你可以一直走到马林那边,然后再走回来. Just watch out for other visitors on bicycles and take an extra layer with you. 那里的风会很大!

    If you're still looking for a challenge after all this adventuring, do what Paulina did and visit 基准爬 在凡内斯大道. This brand-new bouldering gym welcomes new climbers and experienced ones alike. 你有室内攀岩的经验,大概有20,每天000步, 让你的方式回到酒店的一些急需休息和放松. There’s nothing better than getting to lay down in a comfortable hotel bed to reflect on an incredible weekend in the city!

    准备开始你自己的湾区户外冒险? 看看城里更多的选择,比如 帕洛阿尔托研究中心55 or 威尼斯人官网平台app金融区希尔顿酒店. With more than 40 hotels in the region, 希尔顿 can offer you the perfect location to start exploring. 无论你是否想爬珠穆朗玛峰. 东湾或山的暗黑破坏神. Tamalpais in 马林 or see where the many trails of the tremendous Golden Gate National Recreation Area will take you, 选择希尔顿为您的下一次旅程北加州的伟大的户外活动.

    从下面可以看到标志性的金门大桥. 威尼斯人官网平台app,加利福尼亚.
    You'll want to get an up-close look at the iconic 金门大桥 while visiting San Francisco.


    泰勒是老大. 全球内容经理 & 威尼斯人官网平台app旅游公司的通讯部. He has lived in San Francisco since 2015 and has been part of the San Francisco Travel team for just as long. 他同样喜欢引人注目的制作数字和户外体育赛事, which means you can usually find him at one of San Francisco’s many great theaters or at Oracle Park, 为巨人队加油. 

    The 金门大桥 at sunset with a multicolored sky and the San Francisco Bay in the foreground.


    第一个知道即将到来的活动和节日, 新餐馆, 特殊交易, 以及海湾边的城市里发生的一切.